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Marissa Verma

~ Bio

Marissa Verma brings a wealth of experience particularly in the area of community engagement and delivery of cultural education programs.

In areas such as Indigenous heritage, natural resource management and community development she has held roles variously in local and State Government agencies, the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council and Greening Australia WA.

Marissa established her well-regarded and successful cultural tourism business, Bindi Bindi (means butterfly) Dreaming in 2000. Through this, she offers a range of Noongar cultural experiences and learning journeys, including bush tucker walks, out on country trips, a catering service that uses traditional herbs, spices and other ingredients, a women’s cultural workshop and an education program for school students.

Marissa has a strong record of advocacy for Aboriginal people in relation to social, economic and employment issues, forming partnerships with interested stakeholders, working within the community and facilitating cultural activities such as Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week Celebrations.

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